Friday, 9 April 2010

Short shorts!

Another nice warm spring day today, so I felt inspired to go out in the garden and do some weeding in the strawberry bed. I think I've already written about how I used to grow strawberries when I was little, and they've always been my favourite fruit. They're easy to grow and some years I've had some really good crops, though last year the wet weather got to them a bit and - to my surprise - the raspberries did much better.

I put my shorts on anyway, and got stuck in. I'm not entirely a huge fan of shorts - at least not in public - though I do wear them for knocking around the house in. I don't really have the legs for widespread public exposure, having what I believe is commonly termed "chicken legs"! On the other hand, I've always found that of the few benefits of having a greasy complexion is that I tan very easily and years ago before I became fully aware of the risk of skin cancer, I'd spend hours during a hot summer building up a really deep golden brown under the largely mistaken impression it was a sign of a very healthy body.

The fresh air did me good anyway, and the weather looks set for a settled fine spell, which is probably just as well as there's lots more to do out there to get it into some sort of decent shape.

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